phenotype code in this table matches the code in GWAS summary statistics offered by the Neale lab(
Distribution of regional heritability over different scales of segmentation simultaneously plotted on nested donut plot. This figure shows the regional heritability of genomic segment split by various scales (chromosome, 128Mb, 64Mb, 32Mb, 16Mb, and 8Mb). The size of each segment is proportional to the fraction of heritability it accounts for. The fraction of heritability can be measured using outer circular gauge. The chromosome to which each segment belongs is marked by the background color of the segment.
It shows Pearson correlation with other phenotypes in UK Biobank. The level of polygenicity of phenotypes is indicated by the color of its bar.
First, we calculated the heritability per physical length (%/Mb) for all segments in the lowest scale (8Mb). For each of upper scales (16Mb, 32Mb, 64Mb, 128Mb, and chromosomes), we grouped the segments in the lowest scale based on where they belong in the upper scale. Then, we conducted one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test between-group variance.